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About us

A multidisciplinary team that aims to innovate the construction sector by reducing the environmental impact and increasing efficiency with the 3D printing of prefabricated reinforced concrete elements.

The research activity began in the context of university research, in the laboratories of the University of Naples Federico II and of the University of Pavia, then taking a big step forward thanks to the interest and contribution of MATERIAS company, accelerator of startup, which helped ETESIAS with the initial idea to materialize in a patented prototype, the Vesuvius beam (Trave Vesuvio). The Vesuvius beam is a reinforced concrete beam, 4 meters long, whose shape recalls the Neapolitan volcano. Is characterized by mechanical performance equivalent to the traditional beam made following conventional techniques, with a reduction of weight of about 50%. Made without the use of formworks, the beam is assembled through a system that uses steel bars attached outside of prefabricated RC elements, for a quick and effective assembly process. The beam is installed in the laboratories the University of Naples Federico II in San Giovanni a Teduccio, where ETESIAS also has its Headquarters and its pilot plant, installed thanks to the ongoing collaboration between ETESIAS and Italcementi. ETESIAS recently obtained the status of academic spinoff from the University of Naples Federico II.

We Pursue Innovation in Constructions


Domenico Asprone

Co-founder of ETESIAS, inventor of the patent held by ETESIAS, Chief Scientific Officer

Ferdinando Auricchio

Co-founder of ETESIAS, inventor of the patent held by ETESIAS, Scientific Advisor

Costantino Menna

Co-founder of ETESIAS, inventor of the patent held by ETESIAS, Chief Technical Officer

Elio Mendillo

Executive President of the ETESIAS Board of Directors

Flavio Galdi

Architect & Computational designer


The development of ETESIAS technology got a significant acceleration thanks to ongoing collaborations with MATERIAS and Italcementi S.p.A., leader company in the Italian market of building materials, now part of HeidelbergCement Group, has recognized the strategic value of ETESIAS technology for structural applications of 3D printed concrete. Materias on the other hand, is an Early Stage Combined Accelerator for launching start-ups based on innovative materials.





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Become our partner

Our goal is to make our technology available for the operators interested in innovation, especially for the production of prefabricated reinforced concrete elements

"Pioneering ideas that become reality"

Materias, Partner


Corso Nicolangelo Protopisani, 50

+39 081 2530236 - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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